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Platform: Android AR
Genre: Interactive

Engine: Unity Vuforia (C#)
Year: 2018

Role: Lead Programmer


We were a team of 2 programmers and 3 designers that took on a challenge from Genesys to develop a prototype of an AR app that would innovate the customer experience. We were given 4 weeks since we got the brief until the presentation day and we focused on creating an app that would scan items in a store, display information about the product as well as directing the customer through the store to other items as well as include the chatbot Kate from Genesys. Some of these elements weren't included in the final apk but were shown as proof of concept in the video showcasing the app.


Simon Wright, head of VR and AR in Genesys, mentioned our collaboration in a recent interview that can be seen in this article:

My work

During this project as a Lead Programmer, I took on the job of programming all the AR side of the app. We started with implementing Vuforia in Unity and using its native Image Targetting to be able to target our object. I used Image Targetting for this task so only the front of the object could be scanned however in a future app we would be able to detect the object from any side without having to make its 3D model, only needed to scan the object through the Vuforia development portal.

After that, I was also in charge of programming the UI system in place, building the apk and making sure everything was working in the device used for the presentation (Pixel 2).

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